Sunday, October 5, 2014

My hubs has introduced me to Alaska The Last Frontier which has inspired a major canning and freezing mode in me. I always can a lot during late summer and fall but the freezing is something new. I swear I don't think I could get a piece of notebook paper in my deep freeze right now. I feel like one of those preppers. It's like "Bring on the Zombies" in our house right now. Hubs keeps telling me I'm a natural and we could do that. I keep telling him only if we are in The Keys when we do it. I am NOT moving to Alaska. I look like Nanook of the North now and we live in Indiana. If I add one more layer of clothes I won't be able to bend my arms.

Friday, April 25, 2014

What's for Dinner?

How many families fix more than one meal at dinner? Is it weird to fix more than one type of steak for a meal? Friday's is steak night in our home. Three of us eat steak, one doesn't. Tonight we fixed one strip, one ribeye, one filet, and one hamburger. For our family that is not a normal night. A normal night would be me cooking say pork and chicken. Or pork and some sort of pasta dish. Very rarely do we all eat the same thing. I have been told by others that I am nothing more than a short order cook. So I'm guessing it's a good thing that I love to cook.
I started this blog because I think every family thinks they are different. This is just a small insight into mine.